
How Much To Paint A Window

Looking later on the exterior of your domicile is just equally important as looking later on the interior. Your windows and doors reflect the condition of your property.

Maybe you're thinking most selling your domicile in the future. If you lot want your exterior to wait bonny, and so getting the outside refreshed should be a priority.

Afterwards all, the outside of the home is the kickoff thing visitors and prospective buyers will run into as they come towards your front door. Newly painted window frames demonstrate that y'all are taking care of your domicile.

In this guide, nosotros'll explain the boilerplate costs of painting window frames, how you can salvage money, what's involved in painting window frames, how to observe and hire a painter and decorator and give you some suggestions about questions you should ask.

Finally, we'll answer some frequently asked questions.

How Much Does It Price to Paint a Window Frame?

The table beneath shows you how much it costs to pigment window frames in a flat, a two-bed terraced house, a three bed-semi and a detached 4-bedroomed dwelling house.

Belongings Type Number of Windows Estimated Costs Fourth dimension Required
Flat 4 to 5 £700 to £1,750 5 to 7 days
2-bed terraced firm 8 to nine £1,400 to £3,150 7 to 9 days
3-bed semi detached house 10 to 12 £ane,750 to £4,200 10 to 12 days
4-bed detached firm 15 to 18 £2,600 to £6,300 12 to fifteen days

The time required is also included, and as you can see, this varies betwixt v and fifteen days, depending on the number of windows.

The estimated costs include burning off old paint, applying two coats of primer and after that, three topcoats of pigment. Painters and decorators typically charge between £15 and £22 an 60 minutes.

When you need your exterior window frames painted, let Household Quotes help yous. All y'all have to do is fill up in the online form.

Tell us briefly what you demand, and we'll find you painters and decorators in your surface area to give you lot, no-obligation quotes.

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What Affects the Cost of Painting Window Frames?

Several factors are going to accept an impact on the toll of painting window frames. We have a look at these factors below to give you an idea of what needs to be included in your upkeep.

Number and Size of Windows

The more windows you have, the greater the cost. As you can encounter from our table, painting iv to five windows will toll betwixt £700 and £1,750.

In a four-bedroomed discrete business firm with 15 to 18 windows, the price volition be between £ii,600 and £6,300. On average you tin expect to pay between £150 and £350 per window.

Condition of Window Frames

If your window frames are in poor condition they volition need to be repaired or replaced. The price depends on the size of your windows and the condition of the frames.

To repair a window in an average semi-discrete house you could be looking at around £450.

Mayhap y'all want to replace the frames with new windows. For example, if you desire to replace a casement window your costs would exist betwixt £150 and £one,200.

This will depend on whether you desire timber, uPVC, aluminium, or composite.


You might run into people painting their window frames using ladders, simply this is non something we recommend. Working at height is dangerous and scaffolding lessens the chance of a autumn.

Y'all can expect to pay between £800 and £1,100 for a iii bedroomed semi-detached holding. If you ain a tw0 bedroomed terraced belongings, the cost will exist between £500 and £800 for scaffold rent.

If you lot practice use a ladder, make sure it is put against the wall at the right angle. Put something heavy at the bottom of the ladder to stabilise it or inquire someone to hold the ladder for you.

Yous can also purchase anchor eyes or a ladder spacer for extra security. Make sure your ladder is in good condition earlier y'all employ information technology.


Prices vary according to where you live in the UK. London is ever more expensive and so is the south of England.

The Midlands and North of England are cheaper. In Scotland, you'll pay more in places like Edinburgh or Glasgow.

The price on our table are average costs throughout the UK, but in London, these prices could be xx% higher and in Yorkshire, for instance, they could be lower.

When you lot demand a painter HouseholdQuotes tin can help you. Make full in the online grade and we'll then discover painters in your area to requite you no-obligation quotes for your painting job.

How Can I Salvage Money on Window Painting?

There are a few easy ways you can save money on exterior window painting.

Get samples first and so you know which colour you desire. Most DIY stores sell sample pots for effectually £five and these pots will enable you to run into what the colour will await like once it'southward practical to your window frames.

Information technology cuts the risk of buying all the paint in a colour you think you like, and then discovering you hate information technology!

If you are good at DIY, you could pigment the frames of your home yourself. We would still recommend you lot utilise scaffolding, but y'all might salve yourself between £500 and £2,640 in labour costs.

Ever get at least three quotes from painters and decorators. Make sure they all include the same service and materials to make them easier to compare.

When you need quotes for your window frame painting, use HouseholdQuotes. Simply make full in the online form and tell us briefly what you demand.

We'll then detect painters to requite y'all no-obligation quotes.

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What'south Involved in Painting Window Frames?

Get-go of all, gather together all the materials and tools y'all will need to practise the chore.

Materials and Equipment Needed

  • Decorator's pocketknife
  • Heat gun
  • Screwdriver
  • Protective face mask
  • Window brush
  • Silicone for windows and doors
  • Masking tape
  • Primer
  • Cloths
  • Exterior forest filler
  • Sanding block
  • Exterior paint
  • Heat gun

Get-go, take off whatever window locks or other window accessories. You should and then remove the former pigment with the oestrus gun.

Sand down the woods and remove sanding dust with a wet fabric.

Once this is done, fill in any areas that need to be repaired. When the filler is dry, sand the wood down again.

Wash away the sanding dust again.

Use your showtime glaze of primer and allow it dry. Once dry, apply the 2d glaze of primer and let information technology dry.

Y'all tin then use your commencement coat of paint. Requite the window frames 3 coats for the best finish and protection.

Re-install the window locks and whatever other accessories or replace them with new ones if they are badly worn.

How Do I Find and Hire a Painter?

Always ask your friends, family unit, and piece of work colleagues. Someone you know may have had work done recently or a work colleague might have a painter and decorator in the family unit.

If you want to use the internet, then let HouseholdQuotes aid you. Just fill in the online form (information technology takes less than a minute).

Next, tell us briefly what you demand. We'll so notice painters and decorators in your surface area who can give y'all no-obligation quotes for painting window frames.

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Ensuring the Professional person Is the Right Fit

Before yous become quotes from painters and decorators make a list of the questions you lot want to ask. Retrieve nearly the things you want the painter to include in the quotation.

Include the same things in each quotation because and so it will be easier to compare quotes.

Here are some questions we suggest you ask:

  • Have you lot got customer feedback and photographs of whatever work you've done in the past? The tradesperson may have a portfolio to prove you, or they may direct you to their website. Websites oftentimes have case studies, photographs, and customer testimonials.
  • Do you have insurance? Is your public liability insurance upwardly to engagement? Public liability insurance is vital for all tradespeople. It protects them and you from any injury or damage claims should an blow occur during the painting of your window frames.
  • Are y'all a fellow member of any merchandise associations? Trade associations will merely grant membership to tradespeople with a good piece of work record. They should too have a high standard of workmanship. A painter and decorator might be a member of the Painting and Decorating Association.
  • Are all materials included in your quote, or exercise I have to supply the paint? Many painters will supply the paint unless you want a particular brand or a colour that'due south only available from sure manufacturers.
  • Does the pigment yous supply have a guarantee? Many good quality outside paints will carry a guarantee, some offer up to 10 years.
  • Practise y'all arrange scaffolding? If scaffolding is included, and then your quote will be higher than a quote that doesn't include scaffolding.

Final Checklist

The checklist beneath walks yous through the best steps to accept to rent a painter for your exterior windows:

  • Get quotes from painters and decorators that can repair and pigment windows (HouseholdQuotes can help you here!)
  • Choose your paint
  • Option your painter and decorator
  • Have your window frames repaired if needed
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Frequently Asked Questions

Exercise I Demand Planning Permission to Paint My Windows?

No. You don't need planning permission to paint your window frames unless you alive in a conservation area.

If you're having new windows installed, you will need to comply with building regulations.

This is because plumbing fixtures an external window is a controlled plumbing equipment. The materials used and the installation must comply with building regulations.

They include:

  • Energy efficiency – thermal heat loss
  • Blazon of glazing – rubber glazing is required in some circumstances
  • Ventilation
  • Fire safety

What's the Best Paint to Employ on Window Frames?

The best paint to utilize is exterior paint that withstands our weather condition weather condition. Acrylic outdoor paint coats well and is breathable which ways it is less probable to peel away over time.

Dulux Weathershield is a good example of suitable outside paint.

How Much Does It Toll to Paint the Exterior of a House?

Unremarkably, painting the exterior of your dwelling also includes repairing any cracks in the render. Then y'all need to utilise primer and once that's dry you tin can brainstorm to pigment.

If you want to go downwardly the DIY road, so expect the costs to exist around £500 or more than. A professional person painter volition charge between £850 and £1,100 for an average-sized firm.

Yous can read more about the costs of painting your house in this article from HouseholdQuotes.

How Much Do New or Replacement Windows Toll?

You tin supersede your ground floor casement windows for £150 each if you desire uPVC.

Aluminium cost on average £500 and if you prefer timber, you'll exist looking at £800. The most expensive window material is composite, which toll around £1,200.

Read more than about replacing your windows in our article.

How Much Do uPVC Windows Toll?

If you choose uPVC windows on your first or second floor then the range is between £300 and £900 for each window, depending on the size.

If you want to read more near the cost of installing uPVC double-glazed windows, have a expect at our article.

Are Timber Windows Very Expensive?

Timber windows aren't cheap but they will terminal a lifetime if they are well-maintained. Timber windows look beautiful, and they provide excellent insulation.

A basis flooring casement window will toll you between £800 and £ane,500 for each window. First or second-floor timber windows range from £900 to £one,600 each, depending on size.

You tin choose between hardwood and softwood for your window frames:


Hardwoods are more resilient than softwoods. They are strong and resistant to fire.

Although hardwood needs maintenance, information technology is simple to make clean, and any dents or scratches can easily exist repaired.   Hardwood is more than expensive than softwood.

Some examples of hardwoods are oak, beech, and mahogany. Read more than most the costs of hardwood windows in this commodity.


Softwood isn't as strong as hardwood. It still looks bonny, but it won't last as long equally hardwood.

Information technology should also be treated for fire resistance. Some examples of softwoods are pino and cedar.

Pine is a popular pick for window frames because information technology is cheaper than hardwood with the advantage of being timber.

Accoya (a brand proper noun) is a modified wood that'southward used for window frames in place of hardwood or softwood. The woods, which is pine, is put through a chemical process that makes information technology extremely durable.

Information technology needs less maintenance than standard timber and will not be attacked by insects.

If you want to buy sustainable wood, then expect for forest that is accredited past the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC).

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