
How To Install Minecraft Mods Windows 10 2018

Ice and Fire: Dragons by alex1the1666
Ice and Fire: Dragons past alex1the1666 (Image credit: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)

There are already nearly unlimited possibilities inside the magical world of Minecraft, but you lot tin can brand Minecraft fifty-fifty grander with mods. Mods are additions and expansions (unremarkably built by tertiary parties) that can exercise practically anything you could imagine, from completely altering a game'south core mechanics to simple things like making everything blue. Mods in Minecraft: Coffee Edition can be a ton of fun and assist breathe new life into a game that some people accept been playing for over a decade.

Installing and playing with mods in Minecraft: Java Edition can be a daunting task for the uninitiated. That's why we've put together the ultimate guide to installing and playing with mods in Minecraft: Java Edition:

How do I gear up for mods in Minecraft: Coffee Edition?

Ice and Fire: Dragons by alex1the1666

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)

Mods in Minecraft: Java Edition can massively expand the possibilities of play. You can fifty-fifty create your own mods for Minecraft: Java Edition if you're so inclined. Earlier you can brainstorm installing and playing with mods, though, there are a few things for which you'll need to prepare.

  • Make sure your computer tin can handle mods. Many mods are pocket-sized and accept negligible effects on performance, merely a lot of them can put strain on your computer. If your estimator already struggles to run Minecraft: Java Edition without mods, you may take difficulty finding a adept experience with mods in Minecraft: Coffee Edition. Yous can find the minimum and recommended specs to run Minecraft: Java Edition downwards below.
  • Make sure you have enough bachelor storage. An extension of operation is storage. Just like with everything else you install and run on your estimator, mods take upward boosted storage. Keep this in mind with mods that you install, and be mindful of storage restraints.
  • Make certain you lot're comfortable using mods. It's non too hard to begin using mods in Minecraft: Java Edition, but you do have to be comfortable installing files and programs, accessing computer folders and editing files, and more. If you're not confident, follow our guide one pace at a fourth dimension and take it boring.
  • Make sure you're using Minecraft: Java Edition. Finally, you need to be using Minecraft: Java Edition. Unfortunately, Minecraft: Bedrock Edition does not support mods. To enjoy mods in Minecraft, you'll need to be running the legacy Java Edition (this as well means no mods on Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, or mobile devices).

Before we begin, permit's go over the minimum and recommended specs to run Minecraft: Java Edition. The minimum and recommended specs for Minecraft: Coffee Edition include:

  • Minimum:
    • CPU: Intel Core i3-3210 3.ii GHz, AMD A8-7600 APU 3.1 GHz, or equivalent
    • GPU: Nvidia GeForce 400 Series, AMD Radeon HD 7000 series with OpenGL four.4, or equivalent
    • RAM: 4GB
    • Storage: At least 1GB for game core, maps, and other files
  • Recommended:
    • CPU: Intel Core i5-4690 three.5GHz, AMD A10-7800 APU 3.5 GHz, or equivalent
    • GPU: GeForce 700 Series, AMD Radeon Rx 200 Series (excluding integrated chipsets) with OpenGL iv.5, or equivalent
    • RAM: 8GB
    • Storage: 4GB (SSD is recommended)

How do I utilize mods in Minecraft: Java Edition?

Ice and Fire: Dragons by alex1the1666

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Epitome credit: Source: Windows Fundamental | Zachary Boddy)

Now that yous've adequately prepared yourself for mods in Minecraft: Java Edition, you can follow these steps to get a modding professional. In order, you'll need to:

  1. Buy and install Minecraft: Java Edition.
  2. Install Coffee.
  3. Install the Forge modernistic installer.
  4. Install and play with your mods.

You can apply the carte to the left to speedily navigate to the sections you lot demand if you've already completed 1 or more than of these steps.

How exercise I install the Minecraft Launcher for Minecraft: Java Edition mods?

Your first step to installing and playing with mods in Minecraft: Coffee Edition is, of class, to actually have Minecraft: Java Edition. In this portion of our Minecraft: Java Edition mods guide, we'll go over everything y'all need to know about how to purchase, install, and setup the Minecraft Launcher for Minecraft: Java Edition.

The Minecraft Launcher is non but for playing Minecraft: Java Edition with mods, either. You can participate in the latest Minecraft: Coffee Edition snapshot tests, play Minecraft Dungeons, and even go back to previous versions of Minecraft if you want.

If you want to buy Minecraft: Coffee Edition, you tin can get direct to the Minecraft: Java Edition store folio.

Installing the Minecraft Launcher

If you're already familiar with downloading and installing the Minecraft Launcher for Minecraft: Coffee Edition, you can go straight to the Minecraft: Java Edition download page.

Now that y'all ain Minecraft: Java Edition, follow these steps to install it on your estimator:

  1. On your calculator, navigate to Mojang Studios' website.
  2. If you're not logged in with the business relationship you purchased Minecraft: Java Edition on, click the "Log in" button in the upper right-hand corner of the folio.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Sign-in with your Microsoft Account or Mojang Business relationship. If you purchased Minecraft: Java Edition after December 2020, y'all'll need to sign-in with a Microsoft Business relationship.

Source: Windows Fundamental | Zachary Boddy (Epitome credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Once you're logged in, return to the Mojang Studios' website.
  2. Click on the large "Get Minecraft" push nearly the middle of the screen.

Source: Windows Fundamental | Zachary Boddy (Prototype credit: Source: Windows Key | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Select the PC platform from the listing of choices.

Source: Windows Cardinal | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Choose Minecraft: Java Edition from the ii versions available.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Primal | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Click on the large "Download" button about the center of the screen.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Primal | Zachary Boddy)
  1. On the Minecraft: Java Edition download page, click on the large "Download for Windows" button virtually the top of the screen. Players on MacOS or Linux can detect links farther downward the folio.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Paradigm credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Once you striking the "Download for Windows" push button, click on the Save As prompt nearly the bottom of your screen.
  2. To make it easy to discover, brand sure to save the "MinecraftInstaller" file to the "Downloads" folder on your computer.

Source: Windows Primal | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Fundamental | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Once you've downloaded "MinecraftInstaller" on your computer, navigate to the "Downloads" folder.
  2. Double-click on the "MinecraftInstaller" file to begin installing the Minecraft Launcher.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Epitome credit: Source: Windows Key | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Once you lot've opened the Minecraft Launcher Setup Wizard, click the "Next" button to progress to the side by side step.
  2. Choose the install destination folder for the Minecraft Launcher. The default should be fine for nearly users, but yous tin alter information technology here if you need to.
  3. Click Next. Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy

Minecraft Java Edition Mods Guide (Epitome credit: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)

Minecraft Java Edition Mods Guide (Image credit: Windows Key | Zachary Boddy)
  1. On the next screen, click the "Install" push to begin the installation procedure.
    • Note: Depending on your security settings, you may need to allow access to the Minecraft Launcher Setup Sorcerer at this point.
  2. One time the Minecraft Launcher is finished installing, click Finish to exit the Minecraft Launcher Setup Wizard. You lot tin can cull if you want to launch the Minecraft Launcher immediately. Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy

Minecraft Java Edition Mods Guide (Paradigm credit: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)

Minecraft Java Edition Mods Guide (Epitome credit: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)

Setting up the Minecraft Launcher

Once yous've installed the Minecraft Launcher, follow these steps to set it up:

  1. On your estimator, find and open the Minecraft Launcher then information technology tin automatically check for and install updates.
  2. Once the Minecraft Launcher has updated and opened, sign-in with your Mojang or Microsoft Account.

Source: Windows Key | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Primal | Zachary Boddy)
  1. One time you've logged in to your Mojang or Microsoft Account, verify that you're tin can play Minecraft: Java Edition by looking for the large "Play" button.

Source: Windows Fundamental | Zachary Boddy (Epitome credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)
  1. To test that Minecraft: Java Edition runs on your figurer, click the large "Play" button to starting time Minecraft: Java Edition. The Minecraft Launcher volition download everything else information technology needs to run Minecraft: Java Edition.

How exercise I install Java for mods in Minecraft: Coffee Edition?

Having Minecraft: Java Edition installed on your computer is just the kickoff step to playing with mods in Minecraft. The next pace is to install Java, which is a necessary component for utilizing the Forge mod installer that we'll go over in the side by side section. Java isn't used for much anymore, so there's a very skilful gamble it won't already be installed on your computer.

To install Coffee on your computer for Minecraft: Java Edition mods, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Coffee website.
  2. Once you're on the Java website, wait for and click the "Agree and start free download" button nearly the middle of the screen.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Click the Hold and start gratis download button.
  2. Click Relieve Every bit near the bottom of the screen.
  3. To brand it easy to find, salvage the "JavaSetup" file in the "Downloads" folder on your computer.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Prototype credit: Source: Windows Fundamental | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Once you've downloaded the "JavaSetup" file, navigate to the "Downloads" binder.
  2. Within the Downloads folder, discover and double-click the "JavaSetup" file. It may take additional numbers at letters at the end of its name.
    • Note: In order to open the "JavaSetup" file and begin installing Java, you may have to allow access on your figurer.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Cardinal | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Once the Coffee Setup awarding opens, click the Install push to progress to the next step. Yous can also alter the destination folder from this screen if necessary.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)
  1. The Coffee Setup application will install Java. Don't restart your reckoner or interrupt this procedure.
  2. In one case Java has been installed, click the "Shut" button when yous get the confirmation bulletin.

Source: Windows Cardinal | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Cardinal | Zachary Boddy)
  1. While it's not necessary, you lot may want to restart your estimator to ensure Java fully installed and in that location are no problems.

How do I install Forge for mods in Minecraft: Java Edition?

Now that you lot've installed Java, you're fix to install Forge. For the unaware, Forge is the most powerful, comprehensive mode of installing mods for Minecraft: Java Edition. With a vast community of creators and constant support, Forge is e'er ready to modify your Minecraft feel in new and heady means.

To install the Forge modern installer for Minecraft: Coffee Edition mods, follow these steps:

  1. On your computer, navigate to the Forge website to download the Forge mod installer.
  2. Look for the Forge version y'all desire to install. Forge is regularly updated to support the latest version of Minecraft.
    • Notation: For the vast majority of people, the best idea is to install the recommended version, which is often the one that supports the latest Minecraft release.
  3. Once you lot've located the version of Forge you desire to install, click on the large Installer push located underneath the Forge version.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Click the Save Equally button almost the lesser of the screen.
  2. To make it easy to find, make sure and salvage the "forge-installer" file in the "Downloads" folder on your figurer.
    • Note: Because of the type of file the Forge modernistic installer is, your computer may attempt to block the download. You'll accept to allow access.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Primal | Zachary Boddy)
  1. One time you've downloaded the "forge-installer" file, navigate to the "Downloads" folder.
  2. Inside, notice and double-click the "forge-installer" file. It may have additional numbers in the title.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Prototype credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Once the Mod System Installer is open, make sure Install customer is selected, and not "Install server" or "Extract."
  2. Once the "Install client" pick is selected, clikc OK to proceed. You tin can also change the destination folder from this screen if necessary.

Source: Windows Fundamental | Zachary Boddy (Epitome credit: Source: Windows Cardinal | Zachary Boddy)
  1. The Mod System Installer will install the Forge mod installer on your computer. Do not restart your estimator or interrupt this procedure.
  2. Once the Forge modern installer has been installed, click OK when you go the confirmation screen.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Epitome credit: Source: Windows Primal | Zachary Boddy)
  1. To ensure that the Forge modernistic installer was correctly installed, observe and open the Minecraft Launcher on your computer.
  2. Once the Minecraft Launcher is opened, wait for the Minecraft version dropdown menu to the left of the large "Play" button.
    • Note: The Minecraft version dropdown bill of fare lets you lot switch between all currently installed versions of Minecraft like the latest release, snapshots, and (in this case) the Forge modern installer.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Open up it to brand sure that the version of Forge y'all installed is selected.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Fundamental | Zachary Boddy)

How do I install and play with mods in Minecraft: Coffee Edition?

It's been a long road, simply yous're now set up to install and play with mods in Minecraft: Java Edition. Well, in that location's a piffling scrap more you'll take to learn first, merely all the background has already been laid. To install and play with mods in Minecraft: Java Edition, yous'll accept to learn how to have advantage of CurseForge, which is the largest library of Minecraft mods you're going to find anywhere. Creators worldwide have built high-quality mods for Minecraft: Java Edition, and CurseForge is where you tin go to download new mods to bask.

Earlier y'all rush off to CurseForge and showtime downloading the mods of your dreams, at that place are a few things we need to practice first. Mainly, you need to know how to locate (or create) the "mods" folder on your figurer. And so you can master installing and playing with mods in our Minecraft: Java Edition mods guide.

To install and play with mods in Minecraft: Java Edition, follow these steps:

Finding or creating the "mods" folder

If yous're already familiar with navigating your calculator and don't need the footstep-by-pace, the exact address for the "mods" folder is:


To observe or create the "mods" folder for Minecraft: Java Edition mods, follow these steps:

  1. On your computer, navigate to and open the File Explorer application to detect the mods binder.
  2. Open the View tab in the upper left-paw corner of File Explorer.
  3. Inside, make sure Hidden Items is selected.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Prototype credit: Source: Windows Primal | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Now, navigate to Your PC in File Explorer.
  2. Open Local Disc (C:).

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Primal | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Discover and open Users binder.

Source: Windows Cardinal | Zachary Boddy (Epitome credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Open your user folder. Mine is boddy.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Paradigm credit: Source: Windows Cardinal | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Open the AppData folder.

Source: Windows Primal | Zachary Boddy (Prototype credit: Source: Windows Key | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Find and open the Roaming binder.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Key | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Find and open the .minecraft binder.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Look for the mods folder.
  2. If the mods binder is not nowadays, correct-click with your mouse, highlight the "New" bill of fare, and click the "Binder" option.
  3. Once the new folder is created, name information technology "mods" without the quotation marks.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Prototype credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)

Installing and playing with mods

Once you've learned where to find the "mods" binder, follow these steps to install and go playing.

  1. On your computer, navigate to the CurseForge website to scan and download mods.
  2. One time you're on the CurseForge website, wait for the modernistic(s) that yous want to install on your figurer.
    • Note: CurseForge has thousands of mods beyond dissimilar categories. Take advantage of CurseForge's diverse tools similar filtering, search, categories, and more than to find the exact mod for which you're looking!

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Fundamental | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Once you've institute the mod that you want, click on the modern to open upwards its page instead of clicking Download right abroad.
    • Annotation: Many mods may crave other mods to piece of work properly or have disclaimers nearly how they work. The "Download" button on the front page should just be used if y'all're already familiar with the mod.
  2. In one case you've looked at the mod overview, click the small Download button near the upper right-paw corner of the screen.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Epitome credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)
  1. In one case you've clicked the Download, CurseForge will automatically download the mod afterwards a few seconds on a new page.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Cardinal | Zachary Boddy)
  1. In one case the modernistic is downloaded, you'll need to click the Relieve Every bit button nearly the bottom of the screen.
  2. To brand it easy to find, salve the mod file to the Downloads binder on your figurer.
    • Note: Because of the type of file mods, your computer may endeavour to cake the download. You'll need to allow admission to download the mods.

Source: Windows Primal | Zachary Boddy (Epitome credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)
  1. In one case you lot've downloaded the mods, navigate to the Downloads folder on your computer.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Prototype credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Within, highlight and right-click on the mods you desire to install.
  2. Select Copy. (Don't select Cut.)

Source: Windows Key | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Now, navigate to the mods folder on your calculator. Yous tin observe the steps above if you need them.
  2. Right-click inside the folder to open a new card.
  3. Select Paste to copy the mods over.
    • Annotation: If you're confident and familiar with this process, you can also download mods direct in the "mods" folder on your computer from CurseForge.

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Once the mods are in your "mods" binder, notice and open the Minecraft Launcher.
  2. Verify that the Forge modernistic installer is selected as your Minecraft version.
  3. If the Forge modern installer is selected every bit your Minecraft version, click the big Play push near the center of the screen.

Source: Windows Cardinal | Zachary Boddy (Epitome credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)
  1. Because mods have been installed in Minecraft, the Minecraft Launcher will warn you that sure safety features may not work.
  2. To play with mods, click the small-scale "Play" push in the lower correct-mitt corner of the bulletin.
    • Note: If yous don't want the Minecraft Launcher to warn you lot again, you can select the "I understand the risks. Don't warn me again about this installation." option before clicking "Play."

Source: Windows Primal | Zachary Boddy (Paradigm credit: Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy)

Is there anything else to know about mods in Minecraft: Java Edition?

Ice and Fire: Dragons by alex1the1666

Source: Windows Central | Zachary Boddy (Image credit: Source: Windows Fundamental | Zachary Boddy)

At present that y'all're an expert at installing and playing with mods in Minecraft: Java Edition, there are a few other things you demand to always keep in listen. Fortunately, we're here with our Minecraft: Java Edition mods guide to give you all the information y'all demand to be the prototype of smooth sailing with mods in Minecraft: Java Edition.

  • Many mods may not let online multiplayer. Playing with friends is a huge part of Minecraft, just mods are normally non immune in online multiplayer for many reasons. This is particularly true with servers, where Mojang Studios wants to make sure the game is reliable and is both fun and fair for all participants.
  • You tin can have multiple mods running at the aforementioned time. Null is stopping you lot from installing and playing with multiple mods at the same time. This tin can even lead to fantastic (sometimes quirky) combinations that you'd never be able to obtain with a unmarried mod. Just bear in mind that multiple mods may further decrease performance or reliability, so I recommend adding one modern at a time and testing.
  • You can disable individual mods. If y'all're having problems with a specific modernistic or you just desire to turn a mod off, you don't have to uninstall it completely! You tin can disable private mods installed through Forge by adding ".disabled" to the stop of that modern's file name.
    • If you lot're having any issues with Minecraft: Coffee Edition while running mods, endeavour disabling mods one at a time. Some mods may accept compatibility issues with other mods and won't work well together. Disabling individual mods helps yous isolate where the outcome originates.
  • Y'all can install multiple Forge versions at a time. The Forge website archives all of its older versions, and users are able to install any of them at any time. If you lot want to ensure compatibility with older versions of Minecraft (because of certain features or specific mods), you can install the version of Forge that will work best with that version of Minecraft!
  • Only install mods in one Forge version at a time. If you're running multiple versions of the Forge mod installer in Minecraft: Java Edition, make sure you're only installing mods in one version of Forge at a time. Having mods installed in several versions of Forge tin can cause collisions and other problems, even if yous're using the correct Forge contour in the Minecraft: Java Edition launcher.
  • Y'all can install the CurseForge desktop app. It's nonetheless relatively new (and is in Beta at fourth dimension of writing), only CurseForge does accept a desktop app that allows y'all to browse, download, and manage mods and add-ons in a defended awarding. If you're going all-in on mods and desire the consummate setup, consider installing the CurseForge desktop app from the CurseForge website.
  • Twitch provides a decent alternative to Forge. While Forge is certainly the most powerful and comprehensive method for mods in Minecraft: Coffee Edition, you lot tin alternatively employ Twitch. Twitch does have modding capabilities for games, including Minecraft, in the Twitch desktop application. If y'all don't need the full Forge feel, and already use Twitch, you tin install the Twitch desktop app from the Twitch website.

With or without mods, Minecraft still deserves your love. Check out our list of All-time Merch, Toys, and Gifts for Minecraft and pick out something amazing for yourself or a swain Minecrafter. You can also become the most out of Minecraft: Java Edition and mods with 1 of the Best Gaming Keyboards for PC, which offer best-in-grade features and performance.

Zachary Boddy is the Minecraft Expert and a News Writer for Windows Central, Android Central, and iMore. They have been gaming and writing for most of their life, and have been freelancing for Windows Central and its sister sites since 2019, with a focus on Xbox and PC gaming. Yous can find Zachary on Twitter @BoddyZachary.


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